NACO Academy Podcast

Claudia Krywiak, President & CEO at Ontario Centres of Excellence

National Angel Capital Organization Season 1 Episode 24

"This week’s respected roster of speakers spoke about how we can all do our part — the way we can lean in, support the emergence of new med-tech initiatives and help these small and medium-sized enterprises get their innovations and technologies to market sooner. “It is in precisely these times, as we navigate unchartered waters, that new solutions are needed, that people look to innovation and we all have a role to play".

“There’s an opportunity for innovators and for investors and in this new world of ours, where an apple farmer can spin off a technology to become an industry leader in mask sanitization, there are so many stories that are taking place. These innovations illustrate the vital importance of early-stage support that is needed from angel investors to bring these emerging technologies to the market, and they also demonstrate the potential for success and significant positive outcomes.”

Claudia Krywiak, the president and CEO at Ontario Centres of Excellence.

Originally Recorded on April 23, 2020. Click here to join future roundtables.